LEARNING OPPORTUNITIESCareer Development and Training


KL2 Program

The program is designed to provide the next generation of clinicians and researchers with the training they need to conduct research to improve health.

The program:

  • Improve the success of junior faculty pursuing translational science careers;
  • Enhance their ability to make important scientific discoveries that will lead to better health;
  • Translate those scientific discoveries to patients and communities;
  • Increase diversity of the scientific workforce.

TL1 Program

The TL1 leverages UCLA, CDU, Cedars-Sinai, and The Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center (TLI)  faculty to provide curriculum and mentorship that enable each trainee to acquire translational competencies and become well-versed in the application of relevant methods.

The program:

  • Delivers a curriculum that builds core competencies in T3/T4 translational methods focused on population health;
  • Delivers a curriculum that builds core competencies in T3/T4 translational methods focused on population health;
  • Delivers a curriculum that builds core competencies in T3/T4 translational methods focused on population health.

Masters Programs and Certificate Programs

Delivered by the Training Program in Translational Science (TPTS)

The CTSI Training Program in Translational Science (TPTS) formerly known as the UCLA K30 Program) was developed to provide clinicians with the necessary training to become successful patient-oriented investigators who can bridge molecular medicine and clinical research.

Participants have a high commitment to clinical research and must have either professional health degrees (e.g., medicine, nursing, dentistry) or a doctorate. In addition, participants must be affiliated with UCLA, TLI, Cedars-Sinai, or Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science (the CTSI partner institutions).


NIH Grant Writing Bootcamp (Spring 2025)

The UCLA CTSI and DGSOM Office of Physician Scientist Career Development is offering a NIH Grant Writing Bootcamp for junior faculty and trainees who are submitting their first NIH K or R application.


Investigator Courses/Workshops at The Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

The CTSI at TLI sponsors numerous courses and workshops geared toward investigators, program managers, study coordinators, and other research personnel.

Spring Biostatistics Short Course

Offered annually by Youngju Pak, PhD

This course is designed to learn fundamental statistical theories and their applications in preclinical and clinical trials. These are hybrid sessions, and everyone is welcome to join.

Grant Writing Workshop

Offered bimonthly by Scott Filler, MD and Michael Yeaman, PhD

Dr. Michael Yeaman and Dr. Scott Filler are experienced and successful grant writers with a long track record of successful funding through the NIH and other highly competitive funding agencies. They conduct interactive workshops to teach investigators a variety approaches that maximize the chance of successful grant applications.

Interactive Research Design

Offered multiple times annually by Roger Lewis, MD

This in-person, interactive discussion is geared to all TLI investigators. Dr. Lewis asks that bring your ideas, and he will discuss your project or project idea and help you refine your research design, outcome measures, and statistical analysis plan.

WINN CIPP Program (Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials: Clinical Investigator Pathway Program)

Offered annually by TLI Mentors to medical students

This program, offered for medical students from across the country through the Robert A. Winn Clinical Investigator Pathway Program (WINN CIPP), links students between their 1st and 2nd years of medical school with investigators at TLI who conduct community-participatory research. The goal of the WINN CIPP program is to build a pathway of community-oriented clinical trialists of diverse backgrounds who are committed to increasing inclusion, equity, and diversity in the conduct of clinical and translational research.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up?

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Are there any costs?

Volutpat sociosqu venenatis nisi integer fermentum vel nec velit. Nullam morbi dignissim ultricies amet, feugiat montes scelerisque. Natoque lacus tristique malesuada aliquet mus nascetur class risus donec

How long is each training session?

Volutpat sociosqu venenatis nisi integer fermentum vel nec velit. Nullam morbi dignissim ultricies amet, feugiat montes scelerisque. Natoque lacus tristique malesuada aliquet mus nascetur class risus donec

Where is the training held?

Volutpat sociosqu venenatis nisi integer fermentum vel nec velit. Nullam morbi dignissim ultricies amet, feugiat montes scelerisque. Natoque lacus tristique malesuada aliquet mus nascetur class risus donec